Temple Songgoriti
Songgoriti temple built in 888. about 1120 years ago, the temple was built by Mpu Songgoriti Supa. Although the age of eleven centuries, the building still looks good.Songgoriti temple was on area of the crater hot water. crater can not be blocked by anyone. And Empu Supa clog the crater by building the temple. Now the hot crater was smaller and now only a source of flow is not too large.
Songgoriti temple is located in the valley between the mountains and mountain (Arjuno - Kawi), and built over hot spring.
If It is Viewed from a very simple architecture, temple Songgoriti is classified as the oldest temple in East Java and has a decorative about Central Java. The left over of temple buildings (East, North West) has recesses as places for statues. Alcove to the east is where the statue of Ganesh, who lived part of statue, namely the stomach and legs. The north statue niche is lost, while the niche of the west, statue is no longer stuck in the niche, but it was still in the temple environment. This is a statue of Agastya, which in Hinduism is one of the seven priests who spread the religion of Hinduism in Southeast Asia and Java.
Note on Songgoriti temple was first made by Van I Jssedijk in 1799, and then by Rigg in 1849 and 1863 in Brumund. In the year 1902 Knebel was doing inventory of the site Songgoriti temple and continued with improvements (renovation) in 1921. Songgoriti temple, we see today is the result of renovation in 1936-1946. At the time of the renovation of four discovered a stone coffin containing therein Linga-Yoni of gold and bronze materials, currencies, and gold pieces bearing the name of god.
From these findings of the statue of Agastya, shows that the temple is Siwaistis. It is estimated that this place is a place of worship / certain ceremonies. given in the booth this temple there are hot springs that contain sulfur, which can cure skin diseases.
Until now, this water source is used as a source of bathing water, which were located not far from Temple Songgoriti.
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