Arjuna Mountain
Arjuna Mountain geo coordinates are latitude: -7.7655 and longitude:112.5902. Arjuna Mountain is located in Indonesia country, East Java province. Arjuna Mountain elevation (height) is 3339 meters is the 5410. highest mountain in 106.826 mounts.
Both the peaks of the Mt Arjuna and Mt Welirang lie on the same mountain. We can climb Mt Arjuna either from northeast (from Tretes through Mt Welirang), from east (from Lawang), and from west (from Batu-Selecta). From Surabaya take a bus going to Malang and get off in Pandaan then take a mini bus to Tretes. Tretes is a tourist spot. It has a tourist forest where we can find a beautiful waterfall called ‘Kakek Bodo’, and a camping area. Tretes has cool climate and many hotels and inns to rest comfortably.
We can start climbing both Mt Arjuna and Mt Welirang, start from PHPA office in Tretes. Trekking towards southwest for about 4 or 5 hours, we can pause and spend the night in about for people looking for sulfur stores. Here we can have water for cooking and take a bath as the water is in abundant. Everyday, about 20-30 workers look for and bring the sulfuric stores to Tretes. In next morning we can start climbing forward to Mt Welirang, or turn left to go directly to Mt Arjuna. Climbing from the hut to the peak of Mt Welirang, we will pass pure casuarinas forest along the stony path. We can reach the peak Mt Welirang after walking for 3 or 4 hours.
Below the peak of Mt Welirang, there is a crater blows up sulfuric gas. If we want to go to peak Mt Arjuna, just walk down 10 minutes southwards from the peak Mt Welirang. The forest to pass is casuarinas trees, through one ravine and a track between Mt Kembar I and Mt Kembar II. Close to the peak of Mt Arjuna, we will pass a place called ‘Pasar Dieng’, the high of which nearly the same with the peak of Mt Arjuna. There are many stones there, some of which are neatly arranged like a fence with a plain around. It will take ten minutes to reach the peak of Mt Arjuna, from the plain. It will spend about 6 or 7 hours, to reach the peak of Mt Arjuna from Mt Welirang.
The wind blows strongly in the peak of Mt Arjuna, with temperature of 5-10 degree Celcius. Mostly in the evening, we can enjoy the very attractive view towards Surabaya, Malang, Batu, Pasuruan, and the north the sea with the shirring ship lamps.
Mt Arjuna pead is called ‘Puncak Ogal-Agil’, or ‘Puncak Ringgit’. Camping in the peak, the morning after, we can go down east side to Lawang. We will pass through tropical forest and bush and came to north side of Wonosari Tea Plantation. Climb down towards Lawang is the shortest route, compare with return route through Mt Welirang (Tretes). It will spend about 6 hours to reach Lawang from the peak.
Hiking Mt Arjuna from Lawang is the simplest route. Lawang is easy reach both from Surabaya or Malang, and we can directly reach the peak of the mount from this route. To start climbing from Lawang, we take a bus going to Lawang (about 76 km), from Surabaya. Start from Malang, we can take a mini bus or bus to Lawang (about 18 km). From Lawang, we take rural transportation to Wonorejo village (about 13 km). Start trekking towards Mt Arjuna from this village, we go to the Tea Plantation in Wonosari village for about 3 km. In this village, we should report to PHPA staff about the journey, also preparing water.
Climbing about 3 or 4 hours through the Tea Plantation, we will reach ‘Oro-Oro Ombo’ camp area. We will pass through a dense forest called ‘Lali Jiwo’, and then a grassy plain, before reaching the peak. It will spend for about 6 or 7 hours to reach the peak from the camp area. Close to the peak the track is more strenuous as it is steep, and we will find a stony garden.
Another way to reach Arjuna is from Batu through Selecta, west side of the Mt Welirang. Batu is tourist resort which has hot spring coming from Mt Welirang. Its weather is like Tretes’. From Kediri or Malang we can take mini bus or bus to go to Batu and then continue to Selecta by mini bus. Selecta is one of many tourist spots in Batu, lying in 1200 m above the sea level. In Selecta we can spend the night in hotels or inns.
Some hostels have a strict rules but they respect the right of other guests.
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